Wall coverings purchased along with the order is called attic stock. Once the order is placed, the wall covering is then separately stored for future maintenance and repairs. The overall Benefits of having attic stock adds to the longevity of the wall covering investment. This practice also eliminates waste by enabling simple repairs rather than costly renovations. Proper wallcovering storage also reduces our overall carbon footprint.

Matching existing finishes is a key aspect for long term wallcovering performance. If the wall coverings are unavailable, ownership often has to change connecting unaffected areas which are in otherwise in good condition. Building owners can spend up to twice the cost on simple renovations, tenant relocations, mover damages, etc, without an attic stock plan in place. When you project is completed, require the installation contractor to put aside the required amount of attic stock wall covering, which is generally 10%. Then have the contractor coordinate with the wall covering storage facility for delivery, and confirmation. Wall covering patterns can be discontinued for numerous reasons. To avoid the cost of replacing all new, having the same wallcovering available for simpler future repairs is a good idea.

Wall coverings should be stored in a dye lot sequence in a climate-controlled wallcovering storage facility. Compliance for storing 54 inch wide wall coverings are horizontal heavy duty Industrial grid shelving units five feet deep, with anti-topple fastenings in place for all shelving units. Wall covering rolls should be placed inside ¼ inch thick heavy duty cardboard tubes. Storing wall covering rolls in protective tubes will keep the products “roundness of shape” intact. Pallet deliveries made in tubes that are wrapped to code, does not crush the bottom rows of the wallcovering rolls.

Job-site storage of wallcovering inside tubes enables the installer to choose “next roll order”, easily from anywhere in the stack. Installers should save the tubes after installation, and turn them over to management for reuse in future self-storage options of their attic stock wall coverings. Storage of wall coverings without 1/4 inch protective tubes will flatten, and be unusable. Storing without a solid core inside on a flat shelf will  damage wall coverings. Storing 54” wide wall coverings vertically will also damage the edges of the wallcovering.

Changing damaged, or worn wallcovering from breakpoint to breakpoint is a good idea. Opting to change a panel in the middle of a wall may cause color variations between the new and existing wall covering panels. Having the proper wall covering dye lot in order of sequence makes these changes possible, and enables lower operating costs when renovating. Storing wall coverings for Corridor repairs, vandalism, water leaks, and mover damages, will keep the building’s interior design, intact, for a longer period of time.

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