Wallcovering Care


How to Clean Wallcovering, www.wallscapeinc.com

Wallscape wallcoverings are treated with a clear water base coating. This coating aids in the stain resistance and easy cleaning of your wallcovering in an environmentally safe manner.

Materials, such as chewing gum, crayon and paint, etc. Should be scraped off the wallcovering using a clean plastic scraper, using light pressure, always moving with the wallcovering texture.

Read the detergent label-

Alcohol, or any alcohol based soaps such as hand sanitizers, etc… to clean stains from wallcoverings is prohibited-

Any non-alcohol based household detergents such as clear dish detergent, spot remover products, white vinegar, or a spot of bleach may be suitable to remove contaminants.

First apply the detergent in an inconspicuous area, or on a scrap piece of the identical wallcovering. Wait until dry to achieve color uniformity after spotting with no visible variations.

If a wet liquid is spilled onto commercial wallcovering, wear gloves, and immediately remove the wet material with dry paper towels.

Be sure to bring a plastic bag and dispose of the contaminated paper towels, so the contaminant does not stain surrounding surfaces, like carpet or adjacent finishes.

Dirt smudges or stains should be removed as quickly as possible to eliminate a reaction between the contaminant and the wallcovering. Reaction time is important for removing stains such as ink, paint, lipstick, oils, paintball, etc., as these materials will dry and will be difficult to remove.

For dry stains, and contaminants, the following directions should be exercised in successive order.

Alcohol, or any alcohol based soaps such as sanitizers to clean stains from wallcoverings is prohibited-

Any non-alcohol based household detergents such as clear dish detergent, spot remover products, white vinegar, or a spot of bleach may be suitable to remove contaminants.

First apply the detergent in an inconspicuous area, or on a scrap piece of the identical wallcovering. Wait until dry to achieve color uniformity after spotting, with no visible variations.


First Steps –

Vacuum off any loose dried material using a soft bristle brush attachment.

  • Start with a clean cotton cloth, or clean soft dish sponge
  • Wear gloves, and protect the surrounding surfaces
  • 1 gallon bucket filled with hot water at 100 degrees F
  • Wet the clean cloth in the water, wring the cloth until moist dry.
  • Lightly rub over the stain in the direction of the textured wallcovering
  • After 5 seconds of light rubs, rinse, and see if the clean water gets cloudy with the contaminant stain.
  • If the water gets cloudy, change to clean water frequently, then lightly dab, and rub, repeating the process until the stain is gone

Second steps –

  • Changing water often so that it remains clean and clear.
  • Add the pre-tested detergent to water
  • Using the diluted detergent for tougher stains, repeat the process of lightly rubbing, and going with the textured wallcovering grain.
  • After cleaning an area, be sure to dry with an absorbent cloth so the affected area can be examined to assure complete cleaning.
  • Read all labeled precautions when using any cleaning agents. Repeated use of cleaners will cause wall covering to lose its luster.

Last steps –

If the stain persists, choose a soft bristle brush, and rinse it in the straight detergent, then lightly scrub the surface stain until removed.

  • Be sure to dry the stained area after each brushed attempt, and look at the cloth to see if the contaminant is being removed.
  • Try another detergent? Repeat the test, and repeat the above process.
  • After numerous attempts, with stains that will not dissolve, it may be best to change the wallcovering from each breakpoint.
  • Repeated use of cleaners in the same location can cause wall covering to lose its luster.

Please contact us for ideas to keep your wallcovering looking new for many years to come.

Thank you from the Wallscape Team!

Contactus Or call with any questions you may have 1-866.216.4483


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