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Wallcovering Installation

Thank you for purchasing Wallscape Brand Wallcoverings.

The guidelines provided will support the long term performance of our product.

If you may have any questions please call 917-335-1123, or contact us prior to commencement of your project.

We can suggest contractors from a network of qualified installers throughout the USA.

A qualified, professional commercial wallcovering installer is recommended for the following applications-

Wallcovering delivery:

  • Examine all wallcovering to assure that pattern, color, and quantity is as ordered

  • Organize job-site placement in roll number sequence

  • In cold weather climates, allow a day or two for interior temperature acclimation

  • Install wallcovering from the lowest roll number, to the highest- in each dye lot

  • Number and book each sheet to customer satisfaction, in reverse panel, or straight panel patterns

  • Install the first 5 sheets of wallcovering for approval to commence from ownership

Approved Commercial Wallcovering Adhesive

For all Wallscape Brand Wallcovering patterns we recommend a clear heavy duty commercial wallcovering type adhesive. Clay based adhesives are an approved equal, but may damage the wallcovering surface upon contact.

Apply glue generously to the back of the wallcovering at an 1/8” thickness overall.

Keep seams dry 1”-2” in for a clean double cut overlap.

Please see the following links to approved adhesives, and R-35 primers that meet our specifications.*

Consult a Benjamin Moore Dealer nearest you for project advice-

Preparation of surface substrate

  • Surfaces to receive wallcovering must be clean, smooth, dry and structurally sound

  • Loose material must be removed, and prepared to a smooth clean freshly primed surface

  • Fill in all indentations, and smooth down all bumpy surface conditions

  • Remove any existing mildew from walls prior to installation of new wallcovering

  • Prime walls with appropriate primers to seal a new fresh surface to receive wallcovering

  • Use a pencil to mark any wallcovering or wall surface, as pencil will not bleed through the surface

  • Use of ink based markers, and pens are prohibited, and should be spot primed prior to install

  • Walls should have less than 5% contained moisture saturation prior to installation

For reversible wallcovering pattern type installation

After the first sheet of wallcovering is installed, every other strip of the wall covering should be reversed (hang top to bottom and on the next strip reverse bottom to top) to insure color uniformity. Headers, and panels can cause unsatisfactory shading if installed out of sequence.

Wallcovering Seam concealment

  • We recommend using the overlap, then- double-cut method

  • Check for pattern repeat measurement

  • Abutted seams are acceptable, pre-trim prior to install

  • Do not “score” the substrate beneath, when double cutting the new wallcovering seam.

  • Start the first panel using a 4 foot level for a plumb vertical start.

  • Layout 54 inch wide wallcovering panels starting from the middle

  • Install next panel from left or right, avoiding seams that land on an outside corner

  • Layout seams 6” away from inside corners for a uniform pattern repeat


Characteristics and Variables of Wallscape Brand Commercial Wallcoverings

  • Install wall coverings at an interior temperature above 55°F

  • Maintain 55F in both areas of installation and storage

  • Permanent lighting should be in place for installation

  • Temporary lighting may alter the overall appearance, depending on the patterns texture

  • After applying three to five strips of wallcovering, obtain customer satisfaction to proceed

  • Contact uswith any questions, if your project includes non-standard conditions


Applying New Wall Covering over Existing Wall covering:

  • Installing new wallcovering over existing wall covering is prohibited, and will void all ratings

  • Wallscapedoes notrecommend this practice.

  • Existing wall covering must be removed- Please see item 3 for best preparation practices

  • Installing Wallscape products over existing wall covering will void the Warranty


Installing Wall Covering Over Painted Wall covering:

  • Wallscape prohibits painting over vinyl wall covering

  • Wallscape prohibits installation of new wall covering over existing vinyl wall coverings

  • Contact us for specifications of each wall covering type


Specifications Link for Architects, and Interior Designer applications


How to install wallcovering, techniques from professionals

Thank you for ordering Wallscape Wallcoverings!

We are your wallcovering resource- 1-917-335-1123, or contact us

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