5 reasons why wallcovering can enhance a healthcare environment.

1. It’s nice to look at

The atmosphere of an interior can shape our mood within its surroundings. Wallcoverings offer flexibility in colors and textures that can be conducive toward better healing rates for patients in healthcare. Interior Designers have transformed healthcare environments more in the past 30 years, than since its beginnings. Presently, the speed of technology, and multiple breakthroughs in modern medicine keep many organizations under constant construction. A designer that looks at the space from a guest perspective adds extra layers of quality to the entire healthcare system.

Wallcovering in corridors, and mural accents can add a component that is nice to look at from any perspective.

Here is a before, and after, example of how wallcovering can transform the look of a space.

2. You can clean Wallcovering

Wall covering enables the ability to clean the surface, over constant re-painting. An organization can save significant dollars, and resources in measurable ways. Facility managers work closely with staff for the best results in compliance to their standards. Wallcovering manufacturers can add anti-microbial solutions and additional protective clear coats available within the industry. Facility managers, and procurement professionals can add these components to the scope of work for a wallcovering manufacturer.

3. Each space is unique

Lobbies and corridors merge us into very different places throughout a healthcare environment. Having a versatility of wallcovering styles for waiting areas, treatment, or senior assisted activities lends flexibility to a sensitive space. More so, a children friendly environment is something to be taken extremely seriously when designing the interiors of these areas. Custom mural wallcoverings can create three dimensional looks with a mountain scenery, or a host of animated characters. Architects and Interior Designers are specifying new, and better wallcoverings for healthcare, as the technology progresses.

Presently, designers can send the wallcovering company a custom image for a particular area, and have the custom wallcovering delivered back within 10 days in some instances. State of the art printing processes such as Ultra-Violet cured non-solvent Eco friendly methods, and new Latex based methods are transforming the industry to accommodate the architects and interior designers vision.

4. Dry Erase Wallcovering

Staff stations, and treatment rooms, benefit by having clear visibility on lifesaving information communicated on Dry Erase Wallcovering. Since healthcare is open 24/7, seamless shift changes, and quality care go hand in hand when the information is clear to all concerned. The ability to print any organizational standards, unique to that healthcare facility now exists. Custom printed dry erase wallcoverings for each specific area is now possible through the technology mentioned in item 3. Grid patterns, bi-lingual communication icons, and procedure standards can be pre-printed in a permanent process, while enabling dry erase writing to communicate ideas on the surface.

5. Commercial Wallcoverings

Procuring wallcovering directly for a healthcare facility should be Class A Rated for interiors, and tested under ASTM E-84 standards. The CCC-408 test, is an overall test method that usually complies within industry standards throughout the USA.

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