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Installing commercial wall coverings

Installing commercial wall coverings

The guidelines provided will support the long term performance of commercial wall coverings, and related products. Locations in buildings such as corridors receive significant impact to the wall surface from daily traffic. A professional commercial wall coverings...
Textured Wallpaper Purchasing Guide

Textured Wallpaper Purchasing Guide

”Textured Look at your commercial interior design. Does it shine? It should. After all, there are incredible benefits to having a great interior design. For instance, premium office wallpaper can improve the mood of the workspace. Hotel wallpaper can enhance the guest...
Textured Wallpaper Installation

Textured Wallpaper Installation

Textured Wallpaper Installation You’ve probably seen it before: Poorly installed textured wallpaper that is basically peeling itself off the walls. The scene’s almost too ugly to revisit. Don’t let this happen in your commercial interior design. If installed and...
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